Update: 2024 Texas State Conference in Irving, Texas June 21-22

Jesse Aguilera and Sylvia Garza Elected to lead 2024-25

American GI Forum of Texas Inc. IRVING, Texas–The 76th Annual State Conference was In Irving Texas on Friday June 21, 2024. Commander Mario Perales convened the conference at 10:00 a.m. Friday.  State Chaplain Paul Herrera delivered the opening prayer followed by Gil Rodriguez with the pledge of allegiance.  State CEO Gil Rodriguez also conducted and declared a quorum with 13 chapters present after roll call. A Welcome by 2nd Vice Commander and the local Conference Co-Coordinator Mr. Robert Ramirez. A brief response by 1st Vice Commander Phillip Gutierrez thanking members for attending and a few positive remarks thanking the work and efforts of the local chapter for hosting event.
Convention Rules were presented and approved by Tarrant County Commander Jesse Aguilera. A preliminary Credential Report was given by Chair Lupe Rodriguez,
Article V Convened: Prior to the conference Commander Perales had called for an Executive Session to conduct a hearing and report the findings to the assembly.  A committee of six (6) members had been selected and sworn in by State CEO. Five (5) Panelist plus one (1)
Panelist to preside with the State Parliamentarian (non-voting) were sequestered and had proceeded. The Committee informed the commander that they had reached a conclusion, and the Commander requested that they wait to give their report that afternoon. This event had been scheduled to take place prior to the conference to resolve a couple of complaints that had been duly implemented..
Three main Speakers to address the conference
LUNCHEON: At the Luncheon, our first speaker was introduced by Commander Robert Ramirez, M.C. Mr. Gustavo Hinojosa President of TMADMAT was an excellent Speaker. He encouraged members to visit the Mexican American Museum’s comments on the historical involvement of Latinos and their contributions that helped built Texas and this Country, it was a very informative address.
After the Luncheon a State of the State Report: by State CEO Gil Rodriguez, His Report included website updates, IRS 990’s, 501(C)4 and 501(c)(3) status information. A Financial Report by State CFO Lupe Rodriguez was presented. The report included the states solvency and income and disbursements for the 2nd quarter. A financial report is given at all official gatherings of the organization. Copies of the report were distributed to each board member, Both Reports were approved.
Armando Longoria, State Secretary presented the Minutes of April 6, 2024, Mid-Year Conference meeting. They were approved as read and since became part of our State Records. Minutes that included last year’s state conference in Corpus Christi and were approved by the assembly at the mid-year conference.
Commander’s Report: Commander Perales gave a brief report of his activities and travels and included a report on updates of Veterans Benefits and future available benefits for disabled. He also presented a letter that called for a vote of no confidence and asked that a vote be taken. Vote on no Confidence letter failed.
The Article V Committee Report was presented to the assembly by the presiding Panelist with a unanimous decision that both parties were found guilty on all counts and charges and asked for a penalty that both accused members, Mr. Jose Pablo Arzola and Mr. Frank Archuleta be permanently removed as members of the American GI Forum of Texas, Inc. and the Miguel Hernandez Jr. Memorial Chapter with loss of all privileges, rights and benefits. The committee asked for approval of their decision and called for the body for a vote. The vote from the state convention assembly on their decision passed unanimously. He instructed the CEO to send letters informing the Accused of the committee and Convention’s decision. The Commander then stated that any appeals must be made to the State Executive Board and presented at a subsequent State Convention General Assembly when a quorum has been established of Chapters present to hear any appeal.
VETERANS REPORT: Commander Perales, Vice Commander Phillip Gutierres, and Houston Commander Irene Infante gave an informative seminar on Veterans Benefits and updates. Meeting was then recessed.
COMMANDERS’ BANQUET: At 6:00 pm Commanders’ Banquet, had Mr. Steven, Gonzalez, Tarrant County Chapter, serving as master of ceremonies. Robert Ramirez, Dallas Commander Introduced Keynote Speaker Major General (Ret) Albert C. Zapanta Irving City Councilman. The General’s comments were well received and a presentation of the AGIF Honor Medal was presented to General Zapanta. His bio includes on the programs distributed to all guests. A few words and closing remarks by Jesse Aguilera, closed off a very entertaining evening, Music was then provided by DJ Devil Dog, Johnny Barron, USMC.
On Saturday: June 22, 2024, a second Credentials report was given by Chair Lupe Rodriguez. There were no challenges and credentials were approved. Resolutions Chair Angel Zuniga and Commander Perales presented Resolutions. An Executive Session had discussed issues involving non-profit status of the organization and how it relates to chapters at the Mid-year last April. Resolution to include our status in our constitution passed. A resolution on a vote of no confidence of the National Board of directors, Passed. A resolution to suspend the Miguel Hernandez Jr. Memorial Chapter Executive Board and freeze all their assets until Election of Officers is held. Passed. Resolutions requiring National Approval were passed and were forwarded to the National Conference last August for approval. Indications were that they were not accepted to be read.
Election of Officers and Nomination Committee Chair Mr. Jesse Aguilera declined the position of chair because he decided to run for Office. Mr. Roy Reyes and Mrs. Lupe Rodriguez proceeded as co-chairs to accept nominations and conduct the elections.
WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON: Linda Ramirez, M.C., Introduction of Guest Speaker: Ms. Rosa Mavejar, President of The Rios Group. Ms. Mavejar was also presented with AGIF Honor Medal for her work in her community and for accepting to be our keynote speaker. The Luncheon and presentation were successful with a full house in attendance.
Ms. Mavejar was also presented with AGIF Honor Medal for her work in her community and for accepting to be our keynote speaker. The Luncheon and presentation were successful with a full house in attendance.
Awards to Gold Star Families, A Special Gold Star Flag Presentation by Mrs. Patsy Vazquez Contes Past National Amerian GI Forum National Chairwoman in memory of Pvt Joe M. Nanez, U.S. Army, Died in France November 11, 1944. Accepting, his son Joe Nanez. and also another Special Gold Star Flag Presentation by Flag Presentation by Mrs. Sylvia Garza, American GI Forum of Texas Chairwoman in memory of Cpl Adon ‘Adam’ Garcia, U.S. Army who died May 26, 2006 in Iraq. Accepting his Mother Mrs. Cynthia Adam. A very nice presentation to these two heroes.
At the Afternoon, Mario Perles State Commander asked Resolutions that were corrected or presented. Only one was amended and it passed as presented.
Austin, Texas was selected for 2025 State Conference and Ft Worth for the April Mid-year Conference Site. The October Fall Meeting do not yet have a site.
A Final Credential report before elections was given by chairwoman Lupe Rodriguez. Election of Officers followed. Nominations co-chairs Roy Reyes Lupe Rodriguez conducted the contested elections.
2024-25 Forum Officers are: 
Commander: Jesse Aguilera, Ft. Worth Tarrant County Chapter
1st Vice Commander: Armando Longoria, Austin Chapter
2nd Vice Commander: Robert Ramirez, Dallas Chapter
Secretary:  Steven Gonzales, FT. Worth Tarrant County Chapter
Sgt-at-Arms: Cosme Barcelo, San Antonio MHJM Chapter
Chaplain: Paul Herrera, Austin Chapter
Immediate Past Commander, Mario Perales, Ft. Stockton Chapter
State CEO: Gil Rodriguez, Austin Chapter
2024 Women Officers Elected: 
Chairwoman: Sylvia Garza, San Marcos SSGT JP.NM Chapter
Vice Chairwoman: Jeanie Aleman, Greater Houston Women’s Chapter
Secretary/Treasurer: Cede Perez, Greater Houston Women’s Chapter
Commander Jesse Aguilera and Sylvia Garza will be making Constitutional appointment and announce their choices.Before adjournment, a committee was selected for updating and publishing the Constitution as amended by resolutions: Those Members are Gil Rodríguez, Angel Zuniga, Jeanie Aleman. They will have copies for review at the October meeting.
A farewell reception by the hosting chapters with food, refreshments and comradery. It was a very successful conference, Congratulations to Co-chairs, Robert Ramirez, Dallas Chapter and Jesse Aguilera, Tarrant County Chapter.

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